Senior Medical Research Fellow 
MBChB, BMLSs (Dist), PhD

Research programmes of involvement: Medical Cannabis, Asthma
Professional memberships: Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP)
Research interests: Cannabis-based medicine, general practice, clinical knowledge, asthma

Karen Oldfield
is a former General Practitioner who is now fully involved in undertaking clinical research at MRINZ.  As a Senior Clinical Research Fellow she has had the opportunity to be involved in many research projects. She has a keen interest in asthma research and how such research influences changes in clinical practice.  She is also interested in the use of cannabis as a medicine in the NZ context and is a recent PhD graduate at Victoria University where she is studying this topic; looking primarily at the safety, efficacy and the current knowledge on this topic of health care providers and their patients. 


Associate Professor Mike Armour


Dr Harry McNaughton